Tuesday 20 July 2010

Rain - Pioggia - बारिश

A village after rain, near Hue in Vietnam
A village after rain, near Hue in Vietnam
A village after rain, near Hue in Vietnam

Hue, Vietnam: When we had started from the hotel, it was a bright sunny day. By the time we reached the village, it was raining and cold. Washed with the rain, the green village looked very beautiful.

हुए वियतनामः होटल से निकले थे तो तेज़ धूप थी, लेकिन गाँव में पहुँचे तो बारिश शुरु हो गयी. अचानक सर्दी लगने लगी थी. बारिश में धुला, हरियाला गाँव बहुत सुंदर लग रहा था.

Hue, Vietnam: Quando eravamo partiti dall'hotel, era una mattina soleggiata. Ma quando siamo arrivati al villaggio, aveva cominciato a piovere ed era diventato freddo. Lavato con la pioggia, il villaggio verdeggiante era molto bello.


  1. सुंदर!

    सुनीलजी वहाँ के स्थानीय जनजीवन के बारे में बताएँ.. आपको कैसा लगा?

  2. लगता है बादल हवा में घुल गए है.

    दुसरी वाली तस्वीर तीनों में सुन्दर.


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