Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Tourists - Turisti - पर्यटक

People, National Mall, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
People, National Mall, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
People, National Mall, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak

Washington DC, USA: Tourists, a holiday and the National Mall near the White House, famous for its museums.

वाशिन्गटन डीसी, अमरीकाः पर्यटक, छुट्टी का एक दिन और व्हाईट हाउस के पास राष्ट्रीय मॉल की सड़क जो अपने संग्रहालयों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है.

Washington DC, Stati Uniti: Turisti, un giorno di vacanza e la strada nazionale vicino alla Casa Bianca, famosa per i suoi musei.


Monday, 28 December 2015

Washington cathedral - Cattedrale di Washington - वाशिन्गटन कैथेड्रल

Cathedral, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Cathedral, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Cathedral, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak

Washington DC, USA: The cathedral built in 1907 is in Gothic style.

वाशिन्गटन डीसी, अमरीकाः १९०७ में बना कैथेड्रल गौथिक शैली में है.

Washington DC, Stati Uniti: La cattedrale costruito nel 1907, è in stile gotico.


Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Zoo birds - Uccelli dello zoo - चिड़ियाघर के पक्षी

Red legged seriema, Zoo, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Red & blue breasted parakeet, Zoo, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Burrowing owl, Zoo, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak

Washington DC, USA: Three birds from the zoo. I love clicking pictures of animals and birds but rarely do such pictures satisfy me. Only in the zoo, some pictures come out nice.

वाशिन्गट डीसी, अमरीकाः चिड़ियाघर से तीन पक्षी. पशु पक्षियों की तस्वीरें खीचना मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता है पर कम ही उनकी तस्वीरें अच्छी आती है! केवल चिड़ियाघरों में उनकी तस्वीरें कुछ ठीक आ पाती हैं.

Washington DC, Stati Uniti: Tre uccelli dallo zoo. Amo fotografare gli animali e gli uccelli ma rare volte mi piacciono le mie foto. Soltanto allo zoo, riesco a scattare qualche foto decente.


Friday, 18 September 2015

Thinking rabbit - Coniglio pensatore - सोचता खरगोश

Thinker by Barry Flanagan, Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Thinker by Barry Flanagan, Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Thinker by Barry Flanagan, Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak

Washington DC, USA: In the sculpture by Barry Flanagan, Bugs Bunny of the cartoon films, is sitting on a rock, lost in thoughts. The art work has inspiration from Rodin's famous work "The thinker" and it seems to say that to think you need not be a philosopher, all of us can think.

वाशिन्गटन डी.सी., अमरीकाः बैरी फ्लानागन की कलाकृति में कार्टून फ़िल्मों का खरगोश बन्नी चट्टान पर बैठा, सोच में डूबा है. कलाकृति में फ्राँसिसी शिल्पकार रोडाँ की सुप्रसिद्ध प्रतिमा "सोचनेवाला" की प्रेरणा भी है और साथ साथ, यह अभियक्ति कि सोचने वाले केवल बड़े दर्शनशास्त्री नहीं होते, हर छोटा बड़ा सोच सकता है.

Washington DC, Stati Uniti: Nella scultura di Barry Flanagan, il Bugs Bunny dei cartoni animati, è seduto su una roccia, perso nei pensieri. L'opera è ispirata dal "Pensatore" di Rodin e sembra dire che per pensare non devi essere un filosofo e che tutti piccoli e grandi pensano.


Monday, 14 September 2015

African Kori - Kori africano - अफ्रीकी कोरी

Kori Bustard, zoo Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Kori Bustard, zoo Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Kori Bustard, zoo Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak

Washington D.C., USA: Some nature lovers wish that all zoos should be closed because they feel that keeping birds and animals in cages is cruelty. I feel that there can be nothing better than a zoo to teach children about the diversity, beauty and importance of nature. Today's images have African Kori bustard from the zoo in Washington DC. It is also known as "gum eater bird" as it eats the gummy raisin from the stems of Acacia trees.

वाशिन्गटन डी.सी., अमरीकाः कुछ प्रकृति प्रेमी चाहते हैं कि सभी चिड़ियाघर बन्द कर दिये जाये क्योंकि उनके विचार में पशु पक्षियों को पिँजरों में बन्द करना क्रूरता है. मेरे विचार में बच्चों को प्रकृति की विविधता, सुन्दरता व महत्व समझाने के लिए चिड़ियाघरों से बढ़ कर कोई अन्य जगह नहीं. आज की तस्वीरों में अफ्रीकी कोरी पक्षी वाशिन्गटन के चिड़ियाघर से. इसे "गोँद खाने वाला पक्षी" भी कहते हैं क्योंकि यह अफ्रीकी बबूल वृक्ष से निकलने वाली गोँद को खाता है.

Washington D.C., Stati Uniti: Alcuni amanti della natura vorrebbero chiudere tutti gli zoo perché credono che tenere animali e uccelli nelle gabbie è crudele. Penso che gli zoo possono essere i luoghi migliori per fare capire ai bambini la diversità, la bellezza e l'importanza della natura. Le foto di oggi hanno gli uccelli africani Koro Bustard dallo zoo di Washington. Lo chiamano anche "Uccello che mangia la colla" perché questi mangiano la resina che esce dai tronchi degli alberi di Acacia.


Friday, 10 April 2015

Another I - Un altro io - दूसरा मैं

Bhaona actors prepare, Majuli, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Stilt dancers prepare, Bologna, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak
Play actors prepare, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak

If we think of our lives, there must be many moments when our small or big decisions had given a certain direction to our lives. It is natural sometimes to wonder if we had not done this and done that, who would have been we today? Actors get opportunities to become "someone else". Today's images have those moments of becoming someone else. First image has Rama from the dance-play Bhaona of Majuli (Assam, India) helping to tie the crown on Lakshman. Second image has stilt dancers of Bologna (Italy) getting ready for the parade on sexual rights. And, the third image is from Washington DC (USA), where an Indian actor gets ready to play Pakistan's founder Muhammed Ali Jinnah.

अपने जीवन के बारे में सोचें तो कई पल होंगे जब हमने छोटे बड़े निर्णय ले कर अपने जीवन को किसी ओर मोड़ दिया था. कभी कभी यह सोचना स्वाभाविक है कि ऐसा न किया होता, वैसा किया होता तो आज कैसे होते? नाटक के कलाकारों को थोड़ी देर के लिए "कोई और" बनने का मौका मिलता है. आज की तस्वीरों में अभिनेताओं के इसी बदलाव के क्षण हैं. पहली तस्वीर में मजूली (असम भारत) के भाओना नृत्यनाटक के राम, लक्ष्मण को मुकुट पहना रहा रहें हैं. दूसरी में बोलोनिया (इटली) की डँडों पर नृत्य करने वाली युवतियाँ यौनिक मानव अधिकारों की परेड के लिए तैयार हो रही हैं. तथा, तीसरी तस्वीर में वाशिन्गट डीसी (अमरीका) में एक भारतीय अभिनेता, पाकिस्तान के राष्ट्रपिता मुहम्मद अली जिन्ना बनने के लिए तैयार हो रहे हैं.

Se pensiamo alle nostre vite, sicuramente vi saranno stati dei momenti quando le nostre piccoli o grandi decisioni avevano dato certe svolte alle nostre vite. E' naturale ogni tanto chiedersi se avremmo scelto diversamente come sarebbero state le nostre vite. Gli attori hanno le opportunità di diventare "qualcun altro". Le immagini di oggi hanno questi momenti di cambio. La prima immagine è dal teatro-danza Bhaona di Majuli (Assam, India) dove Rama aiuta a fissare la corona sulla testa di Lakshman. La seconda immagine ha i trampolieri di Bologna (Italia) che si preparano per la parata sui diritti sessuali. E, la terza immagine è da Washington DC (Stati Uniti) dove un attore indiano si preparare per recitare la parte del fondatore di Pakistan, Muhammed Ali Jinnah.


Friday, 6 March 2015

Orange people - Persone arancio - नारंगी लोग

Shop windows, New York, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Shop windows, New York, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
Shop windows, New York, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak

New York, America: Clothes display in a shop window.

न्यू योर्क, अमरीकाः वस्त्रों की दुकान की खिड़की में सजे वस्त्र.

Nuova York, America: I vestiti presentati in una vetrina.


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Japanese American - Giapponese americano - जापानी अमरीकी

Japanese american - art by Roger Shimomura - Images by Sunil Deepak
Japanese american - art by Roger Shimomura - Images by Sunil Deepak
Japanese american - art by Roger Shimomura - Images by Sunil Deepak

Washington DC, USA: Looking different from other persons among whom you were born and live, and feeling different from persons who look like you, this is the subject of this art of American artist Roger Shimomura. In each painting he is there and these express his experience of being a Japanese-American. The paintings are from an exhibition in the Portrait museum.

वाशिन्गटन डी.सी., अमरीकाः जिन लोगों के बीच में पैदा हुए हों उनसे भिन्न दिखना और जिन लोगों जैसे लगते हों उनसे भिन्न महसूस करना, यह विषय है अमरीकी कलाकार रोजर शिमामूरा की इन कलाकृतियों का. हर कलाकृति में वह स्वयं भी हैं और यह कलाकृतियाँ उनका जापानी‍‍-अमरीकी होने का अनुभव व्यक्त करती हैं. यह सब कलाकृतियाँ पोर्टेट संग्रहालय में लगी एक प्रदर्शनी से हैं.

Washington DC, Stati Uniti: Sembrare diversi dalle persone tra le quali sei nato e sentirsi diversi dalle persone alle quale somigli fisicamente, è il tema di questi quadri dell'artista americano Roger Shimomura. In ogni quadro lui si presenta per esprimere la sua esperienza di essere un giapponese-americano. I quadri sono da una mostra nel museo dei ritratti.


Monday, 8 December 2014

Scattered seeds - Semi dispersi - बिखरे बीज

Korean-american diaspora exhibition by CYJO, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Korean-american diaspora exhibition by CYJO, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Korean-american diaspora exhibition by CYJO, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2012

Washington D.C., USA: In the portrait museum I had stopped in front of the Koreo-American photo-exhibition. Some of their stories were very moving. Such immigrant groups are called "diaspora" or the scattered seeds that grow and make their lives far away from the original tree. This exhibition was the work of Korean-American photographer & artist CYJO. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, ever since humanity started, searching for livinng space away from the birth-place and becoming immigrant, has been a constant, but there was no one to conserve their stories. Today internet has changed the experience of being part of a diaspora and given opportunities for conserving their stories.

वाशिन्गटन डीसी, अमरीकाः कला संग्रहालय में कोरियन मूल के अमरीकियों की तस्वीरों की प्रदर्शनी में रुक गया, उनके नीचे लिखी कहानियाँ दिल को छूने वाली थीं. अंग्रेज़ी में इस तरह के प्रवासी गुटों को "डायस्पोरा" कहते हैं, यानि बिखरे बीज, जो अपने मूल वृक्ष से दूर जा कर किसी नयी जगह पर अपने जीवन बनाते हैं. यह प्रदर्शनी कोरियन-अमरीकी छायाचित्रकार साइजो की थी. शायद लाखों साल पहले जब से मानव का जन्म हुआ, नयी जगह जीवन खोजना और प्रवासी बन जाना तो हमेशा होता ही रहा है, लेकिन उनकी कहानियाँ सहेजने वाले कोई नहीं थे. आज इंटरनेट के माध्यम से माध्यम से प्रवासी होने का अनुभव बदल गया है और उन कहानियों को सहेजना सम्भव हो गया है.

Washington DC, Stati Uniti: Nel museo dei ritratti, mi ero fermato alla mostra delle foto dei coreo-americani. Alcune delle loro storie erano molto commoventi. Questi gruppi si chiamano "diaspore", i semi che crescono e costruiscono le loro vite lontani dagli alberi originali. La mostra era opera di un fotografo e artista coreo-americana CYJO. Centinaia di miglia di anni fa, da quando nacque l'umanità, andare a cercare nuovi spazi dove stabilirsi è stato un costante, ma non vi era un modo di conservare le loro storie. Oggi tramite internet, è cambiata l'esperienza di essere un immigrato e vi sono nuove opportunità per conservare le loro storie.


Sunday, 19 October 2014

The tall couple - La coppia alta - लम्बी जोड़ी

The Duo by David Hostetler, New York, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
The Duo by David Hostetler, New York, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak
The Duo by David Hostetler, New York, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak

New York, USA: The sculpture is called "The Duo", is displayed near Colombus square and is the work of sculptor David Hostetler.

न्यू योर्क, अमरीकाः इस शिल्प कलाकृति का शीर्षक है "युगल" और कोलोम्बस स्क्वायर के पास बनी है, इसे बनाया है डेविड होस्टेटलर ने.

New York, Stati Uniti: La scultura si chiama "La coppia", si trova vicino alla piazza Colombo ed è l'opera dello scultore David Hostetler.


Thursday, 13 March 2014

Giant statues - Statue giganti - भीमकाय मूर्तियाँ

Giant statue - Gengis Khan from Mongolia - images by Sunil Deepak, 2008
Giant statue - Liberty from USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Giant statue - Basvanna from India - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013

Today's images have 3 giant statues from 3 countries - Gengis Khan from Mongolia, Liberty from USA and Basvanna from India.

आज की तस्वीरों में तीन भीमकाय मूर्तियाँ तीन देशों से - मँगोलिया से चँगेज़ खान, अमरीका से स्वतंत्रता और भारत से बासवन्ना.

Le immagini di oggi hanno 3 statue giganti da tre paesi - Gengis Khan dalla Mongolia, Libertà dall'America e Basvanna dall'India.


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Apples & the crow - Mele e il corvo - सेब और कौवा

Apples and the crow by Peter Woytuk, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Apples and the crow by Peter Woytuk, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Apples and the crow by Peter Woytuk, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012

New York, USA: Peter Woytuk is an American sculptor who is known for his bronze works of animals and birds. Today's images have one of his creations with a crow sitting on some apples.

न्यूयोर्क, अमरीकाः पीटर वोयटुक अमरीकी शिल्पकार हैं जो ब्राँज की पशु पक्षियों की मूर्तियों के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं. आज की तस्वीरों में उनकी एक कृति प्रस्तुत है जिसमें सेबों पर बैठा एक कौवा है.

Nuova York, Stati Uniti: Peter Woytuk è uno scultore americano conosciuto per i suoi lavori in bronzo sugli animali e sugli uccelli. Le immagini di oggi hanno una delle sue creazioni con un corvo seduto sulle mele.


Friday, 14 February 2014

Hidden art - Arte nascosta - छुपी कला

Sculptures, Lincoln square plaza, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Sculptures, Lincoln square plaza, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Sculptures, Lincoln square plaza, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012

New York, USA: Famous places get a lot of tourists but most of them stop at the well known parts of those places. Lincoln centre has 29 halls where you can enjoy different performing arts such as music, dance, opera and theatre, and the most famous among these is the Met or the Metropolitan Opera House, which has been shown in many films and which had crowds of tourists clicking pictures. However other places of the building hardly had any persons. Today's images have sculptures from these less seen parts of the Lincoln centre.

न्यू योर्क, अमरीकाः प्रसिद्ध जगहों पर पर्यटक तो बहुत आते हैं लेकिन अक्सर उस जगह के जाने माने हिस्सों को देख कर ही रुक जाते हैं. लिन्कन सैंटर में 29 हाल है जहाँ संगीत, नृत्य, ऑपेरा, नाटक आदि देख सकते हैं, पर उनमें सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय है मेट यानि मैट्रोपोलिटन ऑपेरा भवन जहाँ पर कई प्रसिद्ध फिल्मों की शूटिन्ग हुई है और जिसके बाहर फोटो खिंचवाने वाले पर्यटकों की भीड़ लगी थी, लेकिन अन्य जगहों पर लोग नहीं थे. आज की तस्वीरों में लिन्कन सैंटर के कुछ देखे जाने वाले हिस्सों से कुछ शिल्पकला.

Nuova York, Stati Uniti: I posti famosi ricevono molti turisti ma la maggior parte di loro si ferma alle parti più conosciute. Il centro Lincoln ha 29 sale dove potete assistere alla musica, danza, opera, teatro, ecc. La sala più famosa tra questi è il Met o la sala metropolitana dell'opera, dove hanno girato molti film e dove vi era una folla di turisti che scattava le foto. Mentre altri luoghi del centro avevano pochi turisti. Le immagini di oggi hanno alcune sculture da queste parti poco visitate del centro Lincoln.


Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Cuban poet - Poeta cubano - क्यूबा के कवि

Jose Marti sculpture, central park, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Jose Marti sculpture, central park, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Jose Marti sculpture, central park, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2012

New York, USA: Jose Marti was a Cuban poet, writer, philosopher and he died in the war for independence from Spain. I found his statue in the central park to be a little strange, bent to one side. The tradition of showing heroes, kings and warriers sitting on a horse is very old, but usually they are shown sitting erect. While in this statue it seems as if Jose Marti is trying to regain his equilibrium as his horse raises his fore-legs.

न्यू योर्क, अमरीकाः होसे मार्ति, क्यूबा के कवि, लेखक, दर्शक व अपने देश की स्पेन से स्वतंत्रता के लिए युद्ध में मरने वाले सैनानी थे. सैँट्रल पार्क में लगी उनकी मूर्ति कुछ अजीब सी लगी, एक ओर को झुकी हुई. नायकों, राजाओं व सैनानियों को घोड़े पर बिठा कर उनकी प्रतिमा बनाने की परम्परा पुरानी है लेकिन उनमें हमेशा व्यक्ति को सीधा तन कर बैठा दिखाया जाता है. जबकि इस मूर्ति में लगता है जैसे घोड़े की अगली टाँगें ऊपर उठने से उनका संतुलन बिगड़ रहा है.

Nuova York, Stati Uniti: Jose Marti era un poeta, scrittore, filosofo cubano che morì durante la guerra di indipendenza dalla Spagna. La sua statua nel central park, l'ho trovata un po' strana, piegata da una parte. La tradizione di mostrare gli eroi, i re e i guerrieri seduti sui cavalli è molto vecchia, ma di solito mostrano le persone sedute con la schiena diritta. Mentre in questa statua sembra che Jose Marti sta cercando di mantenere il suo equilibrio quando il suo cavallo alza le gambe anteriori.


Friday, 10 January 2014

Simon Bolivar - सिमोँ बोलिबार

Simon Bolivar statue, central park, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2014
Simon Bolivar statue, central park, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2014
Simon Bolivar statue, central park, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2014

New York, USA: Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas in 1783 in a noble family of Spanish origins. As a child, he grew up with Hipolita, a slave woman of African origins. He initiated the fight against the domination of Spanish Empire in South America. Different countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia consider him as the father of their democracy.

न्यू योर्क, अमरीकाः सिमोँ बोलीबार का जन्म 1783 में काराकास में स्पेनी मूल के अमीर परिवार में हुआ. बचपन में उनका लालन पालन परिवार की अफ्रीकी मूल की गुलाम हिपोलीता ने किया. उन्होंने दक्षिण अमरीका में स्पेनी साम्राज्य के विरुद्ध स्वतंत्रता का युद्ध किया और आज वेनेज़ूएला, कोलोम्बिया, पेरू, बोलिविया जैसे देश उन्हें अपना राष्ट्रपिता मानते हैं.

Nuova York, Stati Uniti: Simon Bolivar era nato a Caracas nel 1783 in una famiglia nobile di origini spagnole. Durante la sua infanzia, Hipolita, una schiva di origine africano, aveva preso sua cura. Aveva lanciato la lotta per l'indipendenza delle Americhe dal dominio dell'impero spagnolo. Oggi diversi paesi dell'America Latina come Venezuela, Colombia, Perù e Bolivia lo considerano il padre delle loro democrazie.


Thursday, 2 January 2014

Chrysler skyscrapper - Grattacileo Chrysler - गगनचुम्बी क्राइस्लर

Chrsler building, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2014
Chrsler building, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2014
Chrsler building, New York, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2014

New York, USA: In 1930 when the art deco style Chrysler building was completed, for a few months it was the tallest building in the world.

न्यूयोर्क, अमरीकाः 1930 में जब आर्ट डेको शैली में बना क्राइस्लर भवन पूरा हुआ तो कुछ महीनो के लिए यह दुनिया का सबसे ऊँचा भवन था.

Nuova York, Stati Uniti: Nel 1930, quando avevano completato il grattacielo Chrysler in stile art deco, per alcuni mesi era l'edificio più alto del mondo.


Sunday, 15 December 2013

Reaching New York - Arrivare a Nuova York - न्यूयोर्क पहुँचना

New York outskirts, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
New York outskirts, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
New York outskirts, USA - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013

New York, USA: I was travelling by bus from Washington DC to New York. When I first glimpsed the skyscrappers of New York from far away, it was a magical moment. I thought that in the old times when people used to cross the ocean in the ships and when they had the first glimpse of the statue of Liberty, they must have felt similar feelings.

न्यूयोर्क, अमरीकाः बस में वाशिंगटन डीसी से न्यूयोर्क जा रहा था. जब दूर से न्यूयोर्क की गगनचुम्बी इमारतें दिखने लगी तो मन उत्साहित हो गया. सोचा कि शायद पुराने समय में जब पानी के जहाज़ सागर पार करके अमरीका पहुँचते थे और लिबर्टी की मूर्ति की पहली झलक देखते थे तो उन्हें भी कुछ ऐसा ही लगता होगा!

Nuova York, Stati Uniti: Stavo viaggiando in corriera da Washington DC a Nuova York. Quando ho intravisto da lontano i grattacieli di Nuova York, è stato un momento magico. Ho pensato che nei tempi passati quando le persone attraversavano l'oceano nelle navi e vedevano la statua della libertà per la prima volta, forse avevano simili sensazioni.

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