Sunday, 20 November 2011

Boat - Nave - नाव

Boats, Belem port Para Brazil - S. Deepak, 2011
Boats, Belem port Para Brazil - S. Deepak, 2011
Boats, Belem port Para Brazil - S. Deepak, 2011

Belem, Brazil: Early morning at the port, the silver-grey colour of water and the lonely boat cleaving it .. I thought of Rabindranath Tagore's poem where he says that if no one heeds to your call go alone.

बेलेन, ब्राज़ीलः बंदरगाह पर सुबह के झुटपटे में पानी का रंग भूरी चाँदी जैसा रंग और पानी को चीरती एक नाव .. रविन्द्रनाथ टैगोर की कविता याद आ गयी, "जोदी तुमार डाक शुनेर केउ न आछे तोबी एकला चलो रे".

Belem, Brazil: Presto alla mattina al porto, il grigio argento dell'acqua e la nave solitaria che la traversa .. ho ricordato le parole del poeta Rabindranath Tagore dove lui dice se nessuno ascolta la tua chiamata, vai da solo.



  1. मेरी पसन्द, पहली तस्वीर.

  2. बेहतरीन प्रस्तुति।

  3. 'जदि तोर डाक शुने केऊ ना आशे तबे एकला चलो रे'

  4. Amazin pics. d feeling of solitudinal solidarity is so empowering in ur pics. Uv captured d essence well n adorned it wid an even better caption by Tagore.

  5. धन्यवाद @संदीप @काजल
    @अफलू जी आप की बँगला मुझसे बहुत बेहतर है :)
    धन्यवाद @समीर जी
    Thanks @Magiceye and @Devilzangel - greatly appreciate your words

  6. no words:-) so serene....the picture itself looks so peaceful

  7. The boat against the vast ocean..mind small yet powerful to ride over the ocean..

  8. beautiful snaps, lonely boats, the cross-over bridges and the still depth of the silent waters... location perfect for an avid clicker. Nice snaps... enjoyed.


  9. Thanks everyone - @Maitreyee, @bemoneyaware, @Sunil, @VST


Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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