Sonapur, Assam, India: That day I was also in an Assamese village. Everything was beautiful and peaceful. Working in the fields, taking bath in the ponds, carrying their children, fishing, ordinary lives of ordinary people. Some hundred km away, in other villages, some people were shooting and other people were dying. They must have been persons like these!
सोनापुर, असम, भारतः उस दिन मैं भी असम के एक गाँव में था. सब कुछ सुन्दर व शान्त था. खेतों में काम करते, पुखरिया में नहाते, बच्चों को उठाये, मछली पकड़ते लोग, सामान्य लोगों के सामान्य जीवन. वहीं से कुछ सौ किलोमीटर दूर, अन्य गाँवों में कुछ लोग गोली चला रहे थे, कुछ मर रहे थे. ऐसे ही लोग थे शायद वह भी!
Sonapur, Assam, India: Quel giorno anch'io ero in un villaggio del Assam. Tutto era bello e tranquillo. Lavoravano nei campi, facevano bagni nel laghetto, portavano i figli, pescavano, vite ordinarie delle persone ordinarie. In altri villaggi, qualche centinaia di km lontani, altre persone sparavano e altre morivano. Anche quelle dovevano essere persone come queste!
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