Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Sleepy bears - Orsi sonnolenti - निन्दियाए भालू

Sleepy bears, Dimapur zoo, Nagaland, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Sleepy bears, Dimapur zoo, Nagaland, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Sleepy bears, Dimapur zoo, Nagaland, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Dimapur, Nagaland, India: One afternoon, I was free and thought of going to the zoo. Going in an auto on a road full of pot-holes, all the bones in my back were vigorously shaken. And it was a hot and muggy afternoon. No animals were out, all were hiding somewhere. But I saw a bear family sleeping under the shade of a tree. The first ones to wake were the children bears, and they yawned so much!

दीमापुर, नागालैंड, भारतः एक दोपहर को खाली था तो चिड़ियाघर जाने की सोची. खड्डों वाली सड़क पर आटो की सवारी से कमर की सारी हड्डियाँ हिल गयीं. साथ में भयंकर गर्मी व उमस. उसमें जानवर तो क्या दिखने थे, बेचारे कहीं छुपे बैठे थे. पर एक भालू परिवार दिखा जो एक वृक्ष की छाया में सोया था. पहले बच्चे भालू जगे और उन्होंने खूब उबासियाँ लीं!

Dimapur, Nagaland, India: Un pomeriggio ero libero e ho pensato di visitare lo zoo. Viaggiare su un autorisciò per una strada piena di buchi, sentivo la mia schiena tutta frullata. Poi vi era un'affa incredibile. Nessun animale era fuori, erano tutti nascosti da qualche parte. Ma si vedeva una famiglia di orsi neri che dormiva sotto l'ombra di un albero. I primi a svegliarsi erano i ragazzi orsi e si sono messi a sbadigliare a non finire!



  1. Nice pics

    Ami @ www.thrillingtravel.in

  2. बहुत बढ़िया चित्र संसार

    1. सराहना के लिए धन्यवाद योगी जी


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