Saturday, 8 August 2015

Monsoon roads - Strade monsoniche - मानसूनी सड़कें

Pot-holed roads, Dimapur, Nagaland, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Pot-holed roads, Dimapur, Nagaland, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Pot-holed roads, Dimapur, Nagaland, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Dimapur, Nagaland, India: I had never seen such bad roads in India as in Dimapur. People told me that the situation is same all over Nagaland, though the roads were not so bad in the state capital Kohima. In Dimapur, often the vehicles search for paths without pot-holes so they go zig-zag, sometimes going up on the footpaths. During the rains when the pot-holes are full of water, the roads are even more dangerous.

दीमापुर, नागालैंड, भारतः दीमापुर जैसी खराब सड़कें मैंने भारत में पहले नहीं देखी थीं. लोग कहते हैं कि पूरे नागालैंड में यही हाल है हालाँकि राजधानी कोहिमा में सड़कें इतनी बुरी नहीं थीं. दीमापुर में अक्सर वाहन सड़क पर इधर उधर बिना खड्डों वाले हिस्से खोजते हैं, कभी कभी फुटपाथ पर भी आ जाते हैं. बरसात में खड्डों में पानी भर जाता है तो खतरा और भी बढ़ जाता है!

Dimapur, Nagaland, India: Non avevo mai riscontrato strade così malmesse in India come a Dimapur. Le persone mi hanno detto che tutto il Nagaland è così, anche se le strade della capitale statale Kohima non erano ridotte così male. A Dimapur, spesso i veicoli vanno qua e là in cerca di passaggi senza buchi e talvolta arrivano anche sui marciapiedi. Durante le piogge quando i buchi sono pieni d'acqua, la situazione diventa ancora più pericolosa.



  1. Monsoon fury aptly captured..great clicks!

    1. Monsoon fury is relative - the roads are bad so even little rain makes ponds! :)

      Thanks Hargunwahi (BTW, that is a beautiful name).


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