Saturday, 8 December 2012

Amitabh Bachchan - अमिताभ बच्चन

Amitabh Bachchan at River to River film festival, Florence - S. Deepak, 2012
Amitabh Bachchan at River to River film festival, Florence - S. Deepak, 2012
Amitabh Bachchan at River to River film festival, Florence - S. Deepak, 2012

Florence, Italy: Yesterday evening, there was a press conference of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan for the "River to River film festival". The moment I saw him, I remembered "Anand". I have seen so many of his films, so why did I think of "Anand", I do not know. Modest and articulate, he answered each question patiently and in great detail. Even if there was nothing new in what he said, but then he must have given thousands of interviews and for anyone it is not possible to say something new all the time!

फ्लोरैन्स, इटलीः कल शाम को "रिवर टू रिवर" फिल्म फैस्टिवल के सन्दर्भ में अमिताभ जी यहाँ के पत्रकारों से मिले. उन्हें देखा तो मन में "आनन्द" की याद उमड़ आयी. इतनी फिल्में देखी हैं उनकी, तो "आनन्द" ही क्यों याद आयी, यह नहीं कह सकता. वह विनम्र और मृदुभाषी थे, साथ ही उन्होंने हर प्रश्न का धीरज के साथ बहुत विस्तार से उत्तर दिया. हालाँकि कुछ नयी बातें नहीं कहीं पर जाने जीवन में कितने हज़ार साक्षात्कार दिये होंगे उन्होंने, किसी भी इन्सान के लिए हर बार कुछ नया कहना कठिन भी होगा!

Firenze, Italia: Ieri pomeriggio, nell'ambito del festival del cinema indiano "River to River", c'era la conferenza stampa di Amitabh Bachchan. Quando l'ho visto, ho subito pensato al suo film "Anand". Ho visto molti di suoi film e perché mi è venuto in mente "Anand", non vi so dire. Modesto e eloquente, ha dato lunghe e pazienti risposte ad ogni domanda. Non ha detto niente di nuovo, ma poi immagino che avrà avuto migliaia di interviste e non deve essere facile per qualunque dire sempre cose nuove!



  1. उत्कृष्ट !!

  2. Thank you so much for the post & awesome pics of AB Sir.

  3. Dear Sunil
    Thanks for the wonderful blog.. pictures of brother Amitabh.. and playing the role that you are living..
    Nice meeting you..
    Gope to come here more often
    Love and regards

    1. Thanks Abhaya ji for this wonderful appreciation :)

    2. Abhaya Ji, Nice to read your comments. Thanks.
      Lots of Love

  4. Dear Sunil

    This was composed om On October 5 2011

    आशाओं की उम्मीदों की
    किरण एक तुम नई जगाते
    दिन-प्रतिदिन ले सपने आते
    तुम नही मसीहा से कम भाई

    केबीसी के मंच से तुमने
    सदा नई एक राह दिखाई
    लगता है कुछ ऐसा हमको
    तुम नही मसीहा से कम भाई

    टूट गये है सपने जिनके
    छूट गये हैं अपने जिनके
    तुमने उनको आस दिलाई
    तुम नही मसीहा से कम भाई

    सारे दुख जग के हर लोगे
    खुशियों से दामन भर दोगे
    नामुमकिन को मुमकिन करते
    तुम नही मसीहा से कम भाई

    Love and regards

    1. अभय जी, आशा है कि आप ने यह अपनी सुन्दर कविता अमिताभ जी के ब्लाग पर भी उन्हें दिखायी होगी और उन्हें अवश्य अच्छी लगी होगी. इस कविता के लिए सहृदय धन्यवाद

  5. This poem was drafted on his 69th birthday according to Hindu calendar October 5 2011 being the Vijayadahsami happened to be his birthday and was gifted to him on the sets of KBC 5 on October 10 2011 a day before his english calendar birthday..
    I have shared it on his blog and it also featured in a poetic presentation at youtube for his 69th birthday.. alongwith some songs in my voice...

    Brother Amitabh has always been kind to me in responding ro my contributions on his blog..

    Love and regards

    1. Yes he did seem to be a courteous and correct person .. congrats again :))


Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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