Sunday, 28 October 2012

Pink flamingos - Fenicotteri rosa - गुलाबी हँसावर

Lesser flamingos, Naivasha, Kenya - S. Deepak, 2012
Lesser flamingos, Naivasha, Kenya - S. Deepak, 2012
Lesser flamingos, Naivasha, Kenya - S. Deepak, 2012

Naivasha, Kenya: Todays images have Lesser Flamingos from Kenya. I was wondering that these flamingos seem white rather than pink, so why are they called pink flamingos? The guide explained that the pink colour depends upon the blue-green algae in the lake that contains beta carotene which gives them the pink colour. If there are less algae in the lake, the flamingos remain white.

नयीवाशा, कीनियाः आज की तस्वीरों में कीनिया से छोटे हँसावर. मैं सोच रहा था कि यह हँसावर तो गुलाबी नहीं सफ़ेद हैं, तो इन्हें गुलाबी हँसावर क्यों कहते हैं? गाईड ने बताया कि इनका गुलाबी रंग झील में पायी जाने वाली हरी-नीली काई पर निर्भर करता है, जिसमें बीटा केरोटीन नाम का लाल रंग का पदार्थ होता है. अगर पानी में काई कम हो तो इनका रंग सफ़ेद सा ही रहता है.

Naivasha, Kenya: Le immagini di oggi hanno i fenicotteri minori da Kenya. Mi chiedevo come mai li chiamavano fenicotteri rosa se erano più bianchi che rosa? La guida ci ha spiegato che il colore rosa dipende dalle alghe verde-blu del lago che contengono il beta carotene che dà il colore rosa ai fenicotteri. Se vi sono meno alghe nell'acqua, i fenicotteri restano bianchi.



  1. सुंदर रचना . पहली बार देखा गुलाबी हंसावर

  2. Nice to see these flamingoes. I liked the first image. Will visit this place someday.

    1. Thanks Indiawilds.

      This place and lake (Oloiden) is a worthwhile for a visit. Most people stop at Naivasha lake that is full of tourist lodges and is more commercial. Oloiden lake has very few visiters and the tourist guides are part of a local community organization, trying to promote sustainable development...

  3. वाह... बेहद खूबसूरत!

    1. धन्यवाद शाहनवाज़

  4. Replies
    1. धन्यवाद भारतीय नागरिक!

  5. Beautiful pictures. Waiting for the flamingoes' annual migration to Mumbai now :-)

    1. Thanks Sudha. Didn't know that flamingos arrive in Mumbai also! :)

    2. Oh they do ! They take up residence at the mud flats in Sewri in Mumbai, and also at Uran outside Mumbai. Due to shrinking habitat, their numbers are dwindling. A couple of years back there was also the scare of poachers. Will send you some pictures of this year's visit :-)

    3. Poachers and urbanization, it is always the same story every where. There is need to make nature conservation economically advantageous for people and countries, so that they feel that they have a stake in it. Just talking about it is not enough!

      Thanks for the offer to send me some pictures of the mumbaiya flamingos! :)


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