Sunday, 7 October 2012

Jain temple - Tempio Gianista - जैन मन्दिर

A jain temple, Nairobi, Kenya - S. Deepak, 2012
A jain temple, Nairobi, Kenya - S. Deepak, 2012
A jain temple, Nairobi, Kenya - S. Deepak, 2012

Nairobi, Kenya: Nairobi seems full of Jain temples. There were three big temples close to the place where I was staying. A Kenyan friend had told me that the Indian community here is prosperous and closely knit, but not open to the outsiders and local persons. My impression was that this community is closely knit for some things, but at the same time, they have divisions along the lines of their original states and languages, each with their own temples. Today's images have the Jain temple of the Rajasthani persons.

नैरोबी, कीनियाः नैरोबी जैन मन्दिरों से भरा है. जहाँ ठहरा था, वहाँ पास ही तीन बड़े जैन मन्दिर थे. मेरे एक कीनियाई मित्र बोले कि यहाँ का समुदाय समृद्ध है और आपस में बहुत पक्का जुड़ा है लेकिन यह समुदाय अपने आप में बन्द है, उसमें बाहर वालों को घुसने की अनुमति नहीं. मुझे लगा कि यह समुदाय कुछ बातों में जुड़ा हो, लेकिन साथ ही भारत के अपने मूल राज्यों, भाषाओं  की सीमाओं से बँटा है, हर राज्य वालों ने अपने मन्दिर अलग बनाये हैं. आज की तस्वीरों में ओश्वाल रोड का राजस्थानी जैन मन्दिर.

Nairobi, Kenya: Nairobi sembra piena di templi gianisti. Dove stavo, vicino c'erano tre grandi templi gianisti. Un amico keniota mi aveva detto che la comunità indiana di Nairobi è ricca e stretta tra di loro, ma chiusa per gli altri. La mia impressione era che forse erano strettamente collegati per alcuni versi, ma allo stesso tempo erano suddivisi secondo i loro originali stati e lingue di provenienza, ciascuno con il proprio tempio. Le immagini di oggi hanno il tempio gianista delle persone venute dal Rajasthan.



  1. Beautiful temple. Nice captures.

  2. Great to saw the temple, Beautiful.Thanks for your post.

  3. good pics... Nairobi...and still Indians are divided in states etc.. I remember in San Francisco area... there are more Bengali., Tamil, Telgu associations than Indian...

    1. Thanks desitravellers - our being divided is a sad truth, however, the good thing is that if the cause is right, we do come together! :)

  4. नेरोबी में जैन मन्दीर होंगे यह सोचा नहीं थी. और ओसवाल रोड़! कमाल है.

    बँटा होना भी एक तरह से भारतीयता है :)

    1. हाँ संजय, यह तो सत्य बात है. बँटने की तो हमारी प्राचीन परम्परा है :))

  5. If they were more inclusive, it would be better for India.

    1. At one level, it is a question of being more inclusive with other persons of Indian origin. At the same time, I feel there is an issue of being more inclusive with Kenyans also!

      Thanks Shovon :)


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