Thursday, 18 October 2012

Hero-villain - Buono-cattivo - नायक-खलनायक

Vasco da Gama statue, Capetown, South Africa - S. Deepak, 2012
Vasco da Gama statue, Capetown, South Africa - S. Deepak, 2012
Vasco da Gama statue, Capetown, South Africa - S. Deepak, 2012

Cape Town, South Africa: Someone can be seen as a hero or a villain, depending upon the point of view of the persons. Like Vasco da Gama from end of firteenth century Portugal, who had navigated his ship from Europe to around the southern tip of Africa and travelled up to India. Europeans saw him as a hero because he was one of the founders of European progress. Hardly anyone remembers Ibn Majidi who had guided him from Malindi on African coast to India. Persons from India and African countries, who have notions of history, think of him as a villain because persons like him led to their colonization and the slave trade.

केप टाउन, दक्षिण अफ्रीकाः कोई नायक है या खलनायक, यह तो देखने वाले पर निर्भर करता है. जैसे कि पोर्तगाल के वास्को दो गामा जिन्होंने पन्द्रहवीं शताब्दी के अन्त में पानी के जहाज़ से पहली बार यूरोप से दक्षिण अफ्रीका से होते हुए भारत का रास्ता खोज निकाला. यूरोप के लोगों ने उन्हें नायक के रूप में देखा क्योंकि उन्होंने आने वाली सदियों में यूरोप के विकास की नींव रखी. उन्हें अफ्रीका में मलिन्दी से भारत तट पर रास्ता दिखाने वाले इब्न मज़ीदी को कोई याद नहीं करता. भारत और अफ्रीका के देशों में इतिहास जानने वाले उनके जैसे यूरोपीय लोगों को खलनायक भी कहते हैं क्योंकि वही से बहुत से देशों की पराधीनता का प्रारम्भ हुआ था और वहीं से अमरीका महाद्वीप की ओर गुलामों का व्यापार शुरु हुआ था.

Città del Capo, Sud Africa: Qualcuno è considerato buono o cattivo, dipende anche dal punto di vista.Per esempio il portoghese Vasco da Gama, il quale alla fine del quindicesimo secolo, era partito da Europa per navigare intorno alla punta sud dell'Africa e arrivare fino all'India. Europei lo vedevano come un eroe perché aveva costruito le fondamento del progresso europeo. Quasi nessuno ricorda Ibn Majidi, il quale lo aveva guidato da Malindi sulla costa africana fino all'India. In India e in diversi paesi dell'Africa, le persone che sanno la storia, lo vedono come un cattivo, perché persone come lui erano responsabili della colonizzazione e della tratta degli schiavi.



  1. Hero for some, villain for many others - quite true of most people!

    1. Exactly Tom! Unfortunately even rapists or assassins are seen as heroes by some ..

      Thanks :)

  2. चंगेज खान भी अपने देश का हीरो है. यही हाल मुगलों का है.

    समस्या भारत जैसे देश के साथ दुसरी भी है. यहाँ एक प्रांत का नायक दुसरे के लिए खलनायक हो सकता है, मगर एक देश बनने के बाद किसे क्या कहे? हमने अच्छा संतुलन बनाया है.

    1. कितनी कठिनाईयाँ, कितने कम्पलीकेशनस :))

  3. The green patina (is that the correct word?) of the statue looks so beautiful.

    Being humans we turn people into heroes only to bring them down the next time and paint them black as villians. As for Vasco da Gama, whether he was a hero or a villain, he was definitely a pioneer.

    1. In this case, I think that he remains as a hero for Portuguese and Europeans, except for all those who criticse the era of colonialism and slavery! Though he was a pioneer no doubts.


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