Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Soldiers' memorial - Monumento ai soldati - सैनिक स्मारक

Ossary, Sant'Antonio on Pasubio, Vicenza Italy - S. Deepak, 2012
Ossary, Sant'Antonio on Pasubio, Vicenza Italy - S. Deepak, 2012
Ossary, Sant'Antonio on Pasubio, Vicenza Italy - S. Deepak, 2012

Sant'Antonio (Vicenza), Italy: From our balcony we can see the soldiers' memorial of Sant'Antonio. If you look carefully at the first image, you can see it at the point where the hill on the right side meets the higher mountains. It took us about half an hour by car to reach there. This monument on Pasubio mountain remembers the battle between Italian forces and Austrian-Hungerian empire during first world war. From the monument, the view of valleys is very beautiful though on the day of our visit, it was cloudy and we could not see the cities around.

संतअन्तोनियो, इटलीः हमारे घर की बालकनी से संतअन्तोनियो का सैनिक स्मारक दिखता है. पहली तस्वीर में ध्यान से देखिये तो हमारे घर के पास वाली हरी पहाड़ी और उसके पीछे के ऊँचे पहाड़ जिस जगह पर मिलते हैं वहाँ आपको यह स्मारक दिखेगा. वहाँ पहुँचने में कार से करीब आधा घँटा लगा. पाजूबियो नाम के पहाड़ यह स्मारक बनाया गया है जहां प्रथम विश्व युद्ध में इटली तथा आस्ट्रिया‍-हँगरी साम्राज्य के बीच घमासान युद्ध हुआ था. स्मारक से नीचे की वादियाँ बहुत सुन्दर दिखीं लेकिन उस दिन बादल छाये थे इसलिए आसपास के शहर के नहीं दिख रहे थे.

Sant'Antonio (Vicenza) Italia: Dal balcone della nostra casa possiamo vedere l'ossario di Sant'Antonio. Guardate con attenzione la prima foto e lo vedrete al punto dove la collina sulla destra incontra le montagne dietro. Per arrivarci con la macchina ci vuole circa mezz'ora. L'ossario sul monte Pasubio ricorda la tremenda battaglia tra le forze italiane e austro-ungariche durante la prima guerra mondiale. Dall'ossario, la visita delle valli è molto bella anche se quando l'abbiamo visitato era nuvoloso e non si vedevano le città intorno.



  1. आपका निवास तो मानो स्वर्ग है. सुन्दर.

    1. संजय यह मेरा ससुराल वाला घर है. यहाँ बीच बीच में एक आध दिन के लिए कभी आते थे, बहुत सालों के बाद इस साल यहाँ छुट्टी बिताने की सोची. आसपास पहाड़ होने से जगह बहुत सुन्दर है! :)

  2. I wonder why are memorials to soldiers in many places so high up in the mountains or in difficult terrain?

    Beautiful capture.

    1. Sudha I think that it is because in old times when air force played minor role, ground forces took part in battles, mountains were the natural boundaries between countries, so that wars often took place there. In this part of Italy, every small town and village has its soldiers' memorials and cemetries are pictures of young men who died in the wars. Thousands of young men died and its impact was felt in rural communities for decades.

  3. Beautiful... बेहद खूबसूरत फोटोग्राफ्स...

    1. धन्यवाद शाहनवाज़ :)


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